Make Your Next Building Craft-Built
(309) 886-3242

Associates In Dentistry

Building Use: Medical
Square Feet: 0 sq ft

Associates In Dentistry has offices in Peoria, Washington, Bartonville, Canton and Elmwood.  We have had the pleasure to work with Associates in all of their offices for their construction needs ranging from general maintenance and minor remodelling to complete office renovaitons.  Complete office remodels include the Peoria and Washington Offices.  We added a new general accounting office at the Bartonville location.


Client Comments:

It is my pleasure to recommend Craft Building Services, Inc.  for all of your construction needs.

I have had the opportunity to work closely with Jeff Craft through our move to a new construction location.  I thoroughly enjoyed and still enjoy my time working with Jeff and the whole Craft team.   Their honesty, dedication and impressive knowledge, has proven to be a valuable asset to our company.  Change has been difficult in our organziation for strategic solutions to our growing family dental practice needs.  Craft Building Services not only provided us with the proper direction but guided us to ensure that this relocation would be seamless and beneficial to our practice.  We made it through the relocation without any complications, impact on production or interruption in our day to day operations.

To be proactive in the cost and maintenance of relocating and building practices or remodeling other practices can be very intimidating.  Craft Building Services, Inc. will always be our sole construction management team.  Both cost effective and great to work with.  I highly recommend the same for you!

Shelly Ryan

Associates in Dentistry